Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

Discover Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) offers a transformative journey into your subconscious, uncovering stories and experiences from your previous lives, and connecting you with your Higher Self for profound insights and healing. Developed by Dolores Cannon, QHHT provides a unique window into your soul's journey, uncovering the origins of fears, challenges, and your life's purpose.

Why Choose QHHT?

  • Personalized Exploration: Dive deep into your past lives to uncover narratives shaping your current experiences.

  • Direct Communication: Engage in enlightening dialogues with your Higher Self for guidance and clarity on life's questions.

  • Comprehensive Healing: Experience healing beyond traditional methods, targeting mind, emotions, and physical ailments for holistic well-being.

Your Journey to Self-Discovery

Embark on a Journey Through Time: Each session is a bespoke voyage through your past lives, offering insights into your soul's legacy and lessons. Understand the roots of your challenges and embrace your life's purpose.

Dialogue with Your Higher Self: The highlight of your QHHT session, direct communication with your Higher Self, provides unparalleled clarity and solutions, fostering significant shifts and healing in all life areas.

Experience Healing Beyond Boundaries

From emotional to physical healing, QHHT sessions transcend conventional approaches, guided by the wisdom of your Higher Self to uncover root causes and initiate profound healing.

Your Sanctuary for Exploration

Your session is a safe, sacred space for deep soul exploration. Guided into relaxation, the wonders of your subconscious are unveiled, marking the beginning of your healing journey.

Enhance Your Visualization Skills

Within this video, you'll discover a variety of visualizations designed to engage and test your imagination. These exercises are an invitation for you to explore the landscapes of your mind with clarity and depth. Whether you find yourself seamlessly drifting into vivid scenes or facing challenges in conjuring images, there's value in persistence.

Visualization, much like any skill, flourishes with practice. For some, it may come as second nature, while others may find it unfolds more gradually, requiring dedication and time to nurture this inherent capability.

To support you on this journey, I have made the exercises available in an MP3 format for a more immersive experience. By clicking the link below, you can access and download the audio version, offering you the flexibility to practice anywhere and anytime.

In addition to these visualization exercises, I am thrilled to offer a guided meditation designed to delve into past lives. This audio is crafted to guide you through the intricate tapestries of your previous existences, unlocking insights and understanding that may lie dormant within your subconscious.

If you're curious to explore the depths of your past and uncover the stories that have shaped you, this guided meditation provides a opportunity to connect with yourself on a deeper level.

To embark on this journey of self-discovery and to access the 27 minute guided past life meditation, please click the link below:

Is QHHT Right for You?

QHHT is for those ready to:

  • Explore the vastness of their spiritual existence.

  • Heal from past influences for a brighter present.

  • Connect deeply with their inner wisdom and purpose.

Prerequisites for a Transformative Experience:

  • In-Person: Sessions are conducted in person in Spruce Grove, AB, Canada, fostering a direct and profound connection necessary for deep work.

  • Auditory Connection: The ability to clearly hear my guidance with your eyes closed is crucial for navigating your session.

  • Visualization Capability:  The ability to visualize within your mind's eye/imagination is a foundational skill that allows you to access and navigate your subconscious.

What Does A QHHT Session With Me Usually Look Like?

I like to describe this session as a guided visualization with support, rather than a traditional hypnosis session. You remain fully in control and conscious throughout, though some details may initially appear hazy, akin to recalling a dream. However, as you listen to the recording afterward, those memories will sharpen and become clearer.

The session begins with a 30-60 minute conversation where you share the questions you have for your higher self, along with any issues, concerns, or curiosities you are currently experiencing. You'll also share your life story with me, enabling me to pose the right questions to your higher self and assist in guiding you through your past lives or current life memories.

The first hour of the hypnosis portion involves guiding you to visit a past life, although sometimes a current life is selected by your higher self. We typically explore two lives, but it can vary between one and three, depending on how each life presents itself during the session.

The second hour focuses on communicating with your higher self. During this time, we gain clarity about why those particular lives or memories were chosen and their impact on your current life. If specific questions arose during the session, I will address them at this time. This process includes asking your higher self to scan your body for any needed energy healing, and to provide suggestions to prevent future issues. We continue to discuss and ask questions until you receive tangible advice or clear answers.

Afterwards, I will guide you back to full awareness and we'll discuss your experiences during the session. The session is concluded once you are grounded and able to safely drive. Some people may feel tired after the session, while others might experience a surge of energy. Knowing how your body responds to high energy levels will help you plan the rest of your day effectively.

Each session is scheduled for approximately 5 hours, although the duration can vary, typically concluding within 3 to 4 hours. This ensures there is sufficient time for both preparation and reflection surrounding the hypnosis portion.

The session is recorded, and you will receive a digital copy via email within 24 hours.

Post-Session Support: Navigating New Insight

A QHHT session can significantly broaden your spiritual awareness, potentially leading to a heightened influx of intuitive insights, increased energetic sensitivity, and a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm.

While individuals well-versed in spiritual practices may seamlessly integrate these shifts, those newer to their spiritual journey might find the adjustments more pronounced.

For those needing assistance in integrating post-session experiences or seeking to deepen their understanding, I recommend booking a 45 or 60 min Soul Reading and Healing session with me. Together, we can navigate any challenges you're facing, ensuring you feel supported and guided every step of the way.

Questioning if a QHHT session is the right choice for you?

Discover more by taking our quiz.

Hear From My Clients

  • My experience was so revealing and helpful! I walked away with some really clear information that will help me in my journey towards creating the life I desire. I had what I perceived as blockages in my life and the information and support that came through has been so crystalizing for me! I feel more optimistic, hopeful and much better resourced. The best part is that it CAME FROM ME!! thank you so much for facilitating this experience Leanne.


  • Leanne guided me on a soulful journey into past lives. She made me feel comfortable, relaxed and calm through the entire process. I was able to have a vivid and lucid experience, recalling places and events that I didn't even know existed in my mind. She safely cleansed traumas, bringing clarity and light to my life. Leanne is professional, naturally attuned and a joy to work with.


  • Leanne is very good at her trade! She always seem to know exactly what to ask or what to say. I believe it is a combination of her knowledge, her experiences and her kind soul.


  • Leanne’s hypnosis session was deep and profound. I’ve done hypnosis before but Leanne’s was the most transformative. I think it’s because of her energetic gifts, she’s like a human oracle! I am still feeling the ripples of this session a month later. Thank you so much for all the healing!

  • My experience with Leanne was, as always, wonderful. For me the vivid imagery that came through was so clear and anytime I had trouble articulating what I was seeing Leanne would step in with gentle suggestions that helped keep going to reveal more. The emotions that I felt also had an impact. At times tears and other times a high vibration and excitement almost. Really neat experience and I would definitely recommend to anyone interested.


  • Leanne has such a calming presence and made me feel very comfortable. I was a bit nervous to try QHHT, but Leanne made me feel safe and supported which made the whole experience amazing! I loved it and was just feeling so amazing afterwards! I highly recommend Leanne.


  • Leanne was very thorough in her approach to explaining how things were going to proceed and setting up sacred space for me to drop into the process. I felt comfortable in her space and cared for throughout the session. She asked great questions and tracked things well throughout. I left feeling fully supported and enriched by the experience of receiving valuable information, insight and guidance from my guides and higher self to move forward with in my life. Thanks Leanne!!

Embark on a transformative journey with QHHT and unlock the doors to your higher consciousness, guided and supported every step of the way.

Ask Questions and Schedule Your

In-Person Session in Spruce Grove, AB

I will email you within 24 hours of completing this form,

or if you wish you can email me at spruceenergyhealing@gmail.com

Sessions are priced at $400 CAD and usually last between 3.5 to 5 hours, but can be as short as 3 hours depending on individual needs. Currently, sessions are available from Tuesday to Thursday, starting between 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM.

Please message me to join the call list for future updates on additional dates and times.