Spruce Energy Healing

I love to help people receive clarity and healing so they can feel supported, uplifted and empowered.

A Little About Me

Hello, I'm Leanne Mercredi, the proud owner of Spruce Energy Healing. As an Akashic Record Reader, Reiki Master Teacher, Intuitive Medium, QHHT practitioner and mother to three beautifully sensitive souls, I embark on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery.

During my childhood, I inadvertently closed the door on my intuition, but the profound gift of motherhood became my catalyst for reawakening. In my mid-30s, I embarked on a soulful quest to fully embrace my intuitive nature and forge an unbreakable bond with my own spirit.

Now, within the sanctuary of Spruce Energy Healing, I create a sacred haven where profound healing can unfold. Guided by a compassionate heart, my purpose is to illuminate the path, casting gentle rays of insight onto the souls of my clients.

Witnessing the transformative power of intuitive healing is my driving passion. With unwavering dedication, I stoke the flames of intuition and kindle the connection between soul and self within others.

Together, we embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual empowerment.

Step into your power and lets ignite the spark that lies within, guiding you toward a life enriched by intuition, purpose, and soulful connection


Spruce Energy Healing is located in Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada.

Distance sessions are conducted via Zoom for global accessibility.

In this video, I briefly share about myself and my development path.

Why I love the Akashic Records

I love the Akashic Records, I love how they can be utilized to receive deeper Energetic Healings fuelled by the knowledge of why the trauma/issues/patterns came to the surface in the current life.

I feel a strong pull from my soul to do this work, it lights me up and feeds my soul.

I have a strong desire to help people heal their ties to trauma/issues/patterns that no longer serve them. And to help people see their path more clearly so they can walk toward the life their souls want them to have.

My hope is to help people connect with their own souls.

Reiki, my first big step into my purpose

Reiki was my first big step into spirituality and my awakening. It felt like the key that started my spiritual and healing journey. Going back to when I first heard of Reiki I was instantly drawn to the name. I didn't know it at the time but my soul was pulling me towards it, pulling me towards my life purpose to help heal and to teach others.

It was over a year after first hearing about Reiki that I took my level one course, I just could not deny and resist the pull any longer. The course I took was on Zoom and I know from personal experience that distant attainments work.

I feel like if the course had a shorter time commitment, a more flexible schedule and a lower price point I would have taken it sooner.

That is why I have chosen to make an on-demand course where you can go through the material at your own pace, email me questions you have along the way, and then still have a live Zoom attunement.

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