Referral Program

Spread the Light, Receive the Gifts

Your journey with me has hopefully been transformative, and I believe the best experiences are those shared. If you’ve found value in our session(s), why not spread the word and enjoy rewards in return?

How It Works:

Share Your Experience: Tell your friends, family, or anyone who you feel would benefit from working with me.

They Book a Session: When they schedule their appointment, remind them to enter your full name or email in the "Were you referred by anyone?" section of the booking form. (There will be a reminder when booking)

Earn Your Reward: After they have completed their session, you will receive an email with a unique code. This code gives you to a 15% discount on your next session with me.

Why Participate?

Share the Healing: Introduce others to the power of spiritual and energy healing, helping them on their journey to wellness and enlightenment.

Save on Your Sessions: Each successful referral earns you a discount, making your continuous spiritual journey more accessible.

Build a Community: Your referrals contribute to growing a community of like-minded individuals, all on a path to personal and spiritual growth.

Your Role in My Community Matters: Each referral not only supports my work but also fosters a larger community of healing and self-discovery. I am deeply grateful for your trust and enthusiasm in sharing what I offer.

Start referring today and let the journey of shared healing and growth continue!

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